3 min read

Let start with why I'm putting this site together.

Let start with why I'm putting this site together.
The room in my head...

Well, it's pretty simple. I have a lot of stuff that only I know floating around in my head, and well I'm getting older, and we all have a tendency to do, and it would be a dam shame, if all this stuff stayed only in my head. By that I mean, when I am no longer around, when ever that is, and I cease to function, all this stuff in my head will be lost.

Even though I written some stuff done in my phone, made 100's of notes on my computer, and yes even on scraps of paper, all of it really only makes any sense to me, and to be quite honest, I've gone back and looked an some of my chicken scratching and it doesn't even make sense to me, so I hold out no hope of anyone else even trying to figure it out.

I have spent and lot of my life working with computers, and networks. And in the 45+ years I've have gotten pretty good at some stuff. Now before you thing this site is going to be a geek tech-head site, let me dispel those fears. While I do love computer and technology, there are a lot of other this I think about, and have research about a lot of things, on many subjects. And in my research I have formulated some theories, come up with some ideas, and generally have some things to say about quite a few things. I want to put all that done on digital "paper", some people like to write a book, and while that would be kind of cool, I don't feel like dealing with publishers.

Also, I don't think documentation, ideas, thoughts, and hopefully inspirations, should be done in a sterile vacuum. It is nice to know what your readers think, that's why the only social media I really like is Reddit, while you can get down voted on that site, you do get a feel for what people think about what you write. It is also good to know there are people who are like minded, and that I'm not completely crazy, well I might be crazy, but at least there are other people that are similarly crazy out there too.

Part of the site will be technical documentation of how to build, or should I say recreate, the main system I have been working on for the part number of years. Partly because I hope that someone might find it useful and that reinventing the wheel every single time you start something get pretty dull pretty dam quick.

Part of the site will be about other interests I have, and there will be a fair bit of research about moving back to the UK and a British Citizen, that has unfortunately lived in another country for a good chunk of his life, and with mixed results. I would like to share this research, and even if it never comes to pass that I make it "home" maybe some one might find it interesting if not helpful.

I will try to keep the stuff I write interesting, as well as informative. I do know I have a tendency to go off down a rabbit hole, but I will try to keep that in check for the most part. While I'm defiantly not any literary scholar by and stretch of the imagination, and my spelling can be awful at time, but that is why I like computers, they can help over come human failings if applied correctly. Also, my articles will not be AI generated, not to say I don't like AI and if I use AI for something I will be open about it's use. Like everything AI is a tool, and tools have there place, but there is no tool that can be used universally under every condition.

So for now that's it. I will start to post things as they come to mind and the articles are to a point they sort of make sense. I probably will update articles, and all the stuff o this site is a work in progress, much like most of my life...